
A morning with Sarah

4 min read

A morning with Sarah - Pocket Sport

We're not all morning people, but it has been said that having a morning routine allows you to start the day with control, intention and positivity. "Setting the tone of the day" if you will. 

For those who had a routine pre covid, you can probably agree that everyone’s seems to have gotten so much more detailed in this past year. We also love to hear about what others are doing, and what practices they have included in their AM 'me-time'.  

Yoga Teacher Sarah Malcolm has kindly divulged into her daily morning routine for us all to read. So let's tuck in.


"From as long as I can remember I’ve always been a morning person. Even as a child, waking up before my family and tip-toeing down stairs to watch the best cartoons felt special.

There’s something really magical about being the first one up, before the rest of the world stirs and the noise starts.

It’s always been a sacred time for me to tune in with myself and prepare myself for the day. 

Over the last year, my morning routine has changed and shifted a lot. Not having to wake up at 6am and hop straight on the bus to teach has been a welcome change.

On the days I’m not teaching my morning classes on zoom or off on a shoot, I have a very slow pace to my mornings. My days can definitely differ and sometimes I’ll sleep in for longer, listening to what my body needs rather than sticking to timings. 

But usually I’ll rise at about 7am and take my symprove probitiocs whilst boiling the kettle for a herbal tea. 

I’ll then head back upstairs to do my Kaivalya practice which consists of 15 minutes pranayama (breathing techniques) and 15 minutes meditation, either guided or self-led. Meditation was something I would dabble in and out of, knowing I probably should do more of it but never gave myself the time. But I’ve recently just finished a meditation training and I’ve really learnt to love the quieter side of my yoga practice. 


If you’re new to meditation and breathing then try this:

Find a comfortable seat and close your eyes.
Check in with yourself. How do you feel? Are you holding any tension in your body?

Check in with your breath. Where are you breathing in to? What is the pace of your breath like? There is no need to change anything but simply acknowledge. 

Then try this breathing practice of Sama Vritti (equal inhale and exhale).

Breathe in through your nose for a count of 4, pause for 1 count and exhale for 4, pause for 1. Repeat that 6 times and then move to inhale for 6, pause for 2 and exhale for 6, pause for 2.

Repeat 6 times and then return to your natural breath pattern.

See how you feel. Simply notice what is. Then open your eyes and come back to your space. 

For guided meditations, head to my member space “At Home with Sarah”  


Acknowledging that it really and truly is a practice. A practice of sitting with your thoughts and noticing them, rather than indulging in them. I’ll have a little wiggle around which is more intuitive movement than particular yoga postures. 

Then I’ll hop in the shower before getting outside for some morning light. Sometimes it’s a park walk and other times it’s a quick stand outside and soak-up-the-day situation, before then brewing my first cup of morning coffee. 

The ritual of making my own coffee has also been such a welcome addition to my day. Pre-covid life, I didn’t even own coffee in my house; I would always buy it out whilst on the go. But there is something so wonderful about the slow process of grinding your own beans, measuring out what you need and brewing your coffee slowly before sitting down to really appreciate it and how it’s got to be in your mug. I’m constantly in search for these mindful moments in my day- how can we slow down and appreciate what we have instead of constantly striving for more? 

My breakfasts have become even more elaborate over the last year. I’ve always been a MASSIVE fan of breakfast and would always plan what I was going to make the night before. I used to be an absolute porridge obsessive but as a sufferer of PCOS and a listener of Grace Kingswell’s podcast “State of Mind”, I’ve recently adopted an obsession for eggs and veg every morning to stabilise my blood sugar levels… something I’m constantly wanting to learn more about. 

After breakfast I’ll sit down to get on with my day, which mixes between admin for my podcast, my yoga membership or general email replying or I’ll head on to my mat to start filming for my online platform or planning flows for my classes."


Follow Sarah on instagram @sarahmalcs

For Sarah’s online yoga platform head here.


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